Juicing Ginger, Orange, Beetroot and Carrots – Amazing Sunset Beetroot Blend


Discover the vibrant Sunset Beetroot Blend, a mix of sweet oranges, earthy beetroot, crisp carrots, and zesty ginger. Each sip offers a blend of flavors and nutrients for your health. From immune support to heart health, it’s a refreshing way to boost your well-being. Enjoy the benefits of this colorful elixir – perfect for any time of day.


  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Beetroot
  • 2 Carrots
  • Piece of ginger
Ginger, Orange, Beetroot and Carrots ready to be juiced
Ginger, Orange, Beetroot and Carrots - cold pressed juice in a glass


  • Wash the ingredients thoroughly under running water.
  • Peel the orange, beetroot, and carrots to remove the outer skin.
  • Cut the orange into segments, the beetroot into smaller chunks, and the carrots into manageable pieces.
  • Peel and chop a small piece of ginger for added flavor and health benefits.
  • Juice Ginger, Orange, Beetroot and Carrots

Juice Benefits

Using these fantastic ingredients, we’ve made a juice that’s not only tasty but also really good for you. You can enjoy it in different ways:

Immune Boosting Juice

Oranges are renowned for their high vitamin C content, a potent antioxidant that bolsters your immune system.

This vital nutrient helps your body ward off infections and supports overall immune function.

To further amplify this benefit, consider adding a splash of lemon juice to your blend.

Detox Juice

Beetroot is a natural detoxifier, aiding your body in flushing out toxins and waste.

Its vibrant red color comes from a compound called betalains, known for their anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.

For an extra detox boost, add a few leaves of fresh mint to your mix.

Heart Health Juice

Carrots contain heart-friendly nutrients like potassium and beta-carotene.

These compounds help regulate blood pressure and support cardiovascular health.

To enhance this effect, consider adding a dash of heart-healthy flaxseed oil to your juice.

Energy Boosting Juice

Ginger adds a fiery kick to your blend while providing natural energy.

It’s known to increase circulation and metabolism, helping you feel more awake and alert.

To supercharge your energy levels, consider adding a small amount of spirulina powder for an extra boost.

Explore similar juices

If you enjoyed this juice, we invite you to explore our other recipes featuring similar ingredients:

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About the juicer

In this video, I am using the Hurom H320N Slow Juicer which is probably the best cold press juicer out there.

It is super easy to use and cleaning afterwards is simple.

As our follower, you can get an additional 60€ off by using code ASV10 during checkout at hurom-europe.com.

Learn more about this juicer in my Hurom H320N review.

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