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Saftpressen, die ich bisher getestet habe
Auf meiner Reise zum Entsaften habe ich verschiedene Entsafter verwendet. Hier teile ich meine Erfahrungen mit Ihnen!
Säfte sind der Jungbrunnen im Glas, der Ihren Körper verjüngt und Ihre Vitalität wiederherstellt.
Jack LaLanne
Der Gottvater des modernen Fitness
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Slow juicing (also known as cold-press juicing or masticating juicing), is a method of extracting juice from fruits and vegetables using a slow rotating auger or gears. Unlike centrifugal juicing, which is using high-speed spinning blades, slow juicing operates at a much lower speed, minimizing heat and oxidation, and preserving more nutrients and enzymes in the juice.
Slow juicing retains more nutrients, vitamins, and enzymes due to its gentle extraction process. It also produces juice with less foam and separation, resulting in a smoother texture. Additionally, slow juicers are quieter and more efficient in extracting juice from leafy greens and fibrous vegetables.
You can juice leafy greens like kale and spinach, hard vegetables like carrots and beets, and soft fruits like apples and berries. Slow juicers can also effectively juice wheatgrass or make almond milk.
While slow juicers offer numerous benefits, including higher nutrient retention and quieter operation, they tend to have a higher initial cost compared to centrifugal juicers.