Hurom H-AA for only 269€ (with coupon code)

Hurom HAA Discount


Questa offerta è scaduta! Ma non preoccuparti, abbiamo sempre nuove ed entusiasmanti offerte in arrivo. Resta sintonizzato per altre fantastiche offerte!

There is currently a short sale happening on Hurom-Europe. The model that’s specially discounted at the moment is the Hurom H-AA, widely recognized by many as the best buy juicer. If your budget allows, we would definitely recommend the new Hurom H320N. However, if you’re on a tight budget, you can’t go wrong with the Hurom H-AA.

This model is nearly identical to the Hurom HZ, with the exception of its casing – it has a plastic one instead of stainless steel (inox). Also, it doesn’t come with an ice cream strainer. If these are not deal-breakers for you, then this is a fantastic offer you shouldn’t miss.

During checkout, you can choose whether you want to use the code for 10% off or to get a free blender.

Hurom H-AA - Best alternative to Hurom HZ
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