Hurom H-AI discount & other great discounts from Hurom Europe


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Hello, for those who enjoy fresh juice, now might be a good time to check out Hurom’s range of juicers, as they’re currently available at reduced prices.

Hurom HZ discount – 499€

Starting with the HZ Series, which is now just 499€, down from 599€.

This powerful juicer is part of “Premium” series and it really is a premium device. It comes complete with a stainless steel finish and LED indicators, offering a superior juicing experience. The HZ Slow Juicer allows you to control the amount of pulp in your juice and comes with fine and coarse strainers. Additionally, it is made from BPA-free and impact-resistant ABS plastic, designed for daily use and extreme durability​.

Hurom H-AI discount – 349€

Next up is the H-AI Series. Originally priced at 549€, you can now get it for just 349€.

It’s the first-ever self-feeding juicer in the market, so it’s designed for convenience. One of the key features is the dual hopper system, which lets you juice your ingredients more efficiently without the need for continuous manual insertion.

This Hurom H-AI discount is probably the best discount you will find out there, and in our opinion it well worth buying this juicer.

Hurom H-AI discount - cold press juicer

Hurom H100 discount – 349€

Last one on the list is the H100 Series, now available for €349, discounted from €449.

Hurom H100 comes from “Easy” series which means that his main feature is easy cleaning. It doesn’t have metal strainers like other juicers, but it uses multi screw feature made of really strong plastic. This juicer can make a variety of products including juices, smoothies, and ice cream.


The best part is you can get an additional discount using code ASV10! You can see the entire calculation in the table below:

JuicerRegular PriceDiscounted PricePrice with additional 10% off code “ASV10”Price DifferenceTotal Discount
H100 Series449 €349 €314,10 €134,90 €30,04%
H-AI Series549 €349 €314,10 €234,90 €42,79%
HZ Series599 €499 €449,10 €149,90 €25,03%

All three discounted juicers are really great choices, but with a huge 42% discount, Hurom H-AI discount is my choice of the month!

Happy juicing!

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