Green Energy Booster – Great for boosting your energy!


Boost your energy levels with this nutrient-packed Green Energy Booster juice. Comprising kale, cucumber, green apple, and a hint of lemon, this juice is a powerhouse of nutrients.


  • 5 kale leaves
  • 1 large cucumber
  • 1 green apple
  • 1/2 lemon
Kale, Cucumber, Lemon and apple in front of Hurom H320N slow juicer which is really similar to the Nama J2
Green Energy booster juice in a glass


  • Start by washing all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Cut the cucumber and apple into pieces that your juicer can handle. No need to peel them.
  • Roll the kale leaves and feed them into your juicer along with the cucumber and apple pieces.
  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the juice mixture.
  • Start the juicer and process until all the ingredients are juiced.
  • Pour the juice into a glass and savor the refreshing and invigorating flavor!

Juice Benefits

Each ingredient has been carefully chosen not just for its unique flavor profile, but more importantly, for its health-enhancing properties. This combination is particularly adept at detoxification, promoting weight loss, enhancing skin clarity, and boosting immunity. Read on to discover how each ingredient contributes to these categories and how you can tweak the Green Energy Booster recipe or add supplemental ingredients to enhance these benefits even further

Detox Juice

This juice is a perfect detoxifying blend, as all its components aid in flushing out toxins from the body. Kale is rich in various antioxidants and vitamins, notably Vitamin A and C, which promote the removal of harmful toxins. The cucumber and apple provide hydration and additional antioxidants, while the lemon juice helps detoxify the liver.

✅To further enhance the detoxifying effects of this Green Energy Booster juice, you could add a small piece of ginger, which aids in digestion and helps cleanse the body by stimulating sweat production.

Weight Loss Juice

The ingredients used in this juice are low in calories, making it an excellent choice for those trying to lose weight. The cucumber is particularly low in calories while still providing essential nutrients, and the fiber content in the apple and kale (even though some is lost in the juicing process) can help increase feelings of fullness.

✅Adding a dash of cayenne pepper could provide a metabolism-boosting effect, thereby enhancing the weight loss potential of this Green Energy Booster juice.

Clear Skin Juice

Kale, cucumber, apple, and lemon are all packed with vitamins and antioxidants that promote clear, glowing skin. Kale has Vitamin A which aids in skin repair, cucumber is hydrating, and lemon aids in detoxification, contributing to clearer skin.

✅Adding a small beetroot could enhance this effect, as beetroot helps purify the blood, leading to a clearer complexion.

Immune Boosting Juice:

This juice also supports the immune system. The Vitamin C present in kale, apple, and lemon strengthens the immune system and aids in fighting off diseases.

✅To boost its immune-boosting potential, you could add a few slices of kiwi, another great source of Vitamin C and E, which help maintain the body’s defenses.

Explore similar juices

If you enjoyed this juice, we invite you to explore our other recipes featuring similar ingredients:

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About the juicer

In this video, I am using the Hurom H320N Slow Juicer which is probably the best cold press juicer out there.

It is super easy to use and cleaning afterwards is simple.

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Learn more about this juicer in my Hurom H320N review.

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